The fact that Jesus was Jewish, and we are grafted into Abraham's line by the blood of Jesus, makes our meeting there more special to me.
In the front there is a beautiful stained glass circular window, in the window are twelve squares situated clockwise around the inside of the circle, the banner of each of the twelve tribes of Israel is in a square. Sometime I'll post a picture of it for you to see. It's beautiful.
We had our first praise and worship night a couple of Sundays ago.
God is always faithful to His people when they let go of all the outward trimmings and just get down to business and worship Him for who He is.
No laundry list, no bargaining, no looking around at what others are doing, just pure from the gut worship. You and God and no one else.....there His power is released on our behalf.
While singing I looked up at the stained glass window and started crying. You see, the pictures on the stained glass suddenly became very real to me.
I couldn't take my eyes off the piece. Each of the twelve Tribes represented there, in a place where God is so sacred, were real people.
Families, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Babies, Teens, Aunts, Uncles, rich, poor, sick, healthy everyone in Abraham's lineage became human to me. These were now my people, because I have been adopted into God's kingdom.
They were real people, not just names, and words on the pages of my Bible, not just historical figures. They were real, I could see them.
At that moment I knew it wasn't just our little group worshiping, but millions of people who have gone before us. Members of those original twelve tribe and all their descendants were joining us in worship.
I was completely overwhelmed at the bigness of that moment.
Every time we raise our voice in worship it's not just us, but a chorus of ancestors all related by a covenant made thousands of years ago that's still in effect today. A covenant threaded through history, joining us by the blood of Jesus, our common denominator, the ultimate sacrificial lamb.
I think we tend to Americanize Jesus like we have a lock on all things Holy.
We get so caught up in today's modern religious practices we forget about the rich history that led us to where we are today. We forget these people are real, and we don't have a lock on anything, these people paved the way for us to be who we are today and we are paving the way for future generations.
I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Gen. 22:17
We are numbered in that count, our children and grandchildren are numbered in His family
Someday people will be worshiping and we will be a part of that heavenly chorus joining them.
And so it goes, one generation leading the way for another, teaching, setting an example, telling our stories to glorify our Creator. It's so much bigger than politics, jobs, cars, jewelry, bank accounts, it's about being part of a family that is so big the numbers can't be counted.
God's Family.
So my Family members, God our Father craves our worship because He is God, we worship Him because of who He is.
Today and everyday as you go about your business take time to worship Him and listen for the millions of voices joining you in singing His Praises.
Princess, Daughter of the King of Kings
Mother of Princesses and Princes
Grandmother of Royalty