Awhile back I encouraged the members of the
Single Mother's group I was in to make a
Miracle Book.
I believe recording miracles for our children is the best way we can share our testimony with them.
Today, this minute they may not be interested in what God has done for us or them. They may be running from Him, or too little to appreciate some of the miracles you have recorded.
Someday this book will be a written testament of what God has done for your household.
Miracles don't have to be the huge, growing out of limbs kind of miracles to be recorded.
I have a LOT of Winks from God recorded. Everyday little things that may not mean anything to anyone else, but I recognized where they came from.
During my time of unemployment I have never, not once, run out of coffee. Now that may not seem like a big deal to you.......unless you are a coffee nut like me. Wink from God!!
Filling the book with Family Miracles will not only be good for you, by providing therapy inexpensively, but at some point will show your kids why you spend all that time on your knees.
Writing down the blessings, miracles, and winks from God in one place provides you with a written record of God's love and care for you and your household.
I have also found it a sorce of comfort, encouragement and strength.
When I'm feeling alone and discouraged I only have to look at that book and I have to smile and praise God for what He's done and what I know He's going to do.
How can we be discouraged when we have an entire book filled with things He's all ready done for us?
If you don't all ready have a Miracle Book for your family I encourage you to grab a notebook, scrapbook what ever you have and start writing. It doesn't have to be listed in order, just write the times you know God has shown up and shown off for you.
You can decorate it with stickers, pictures, or drawings, fancy it up or keep it simple. It doesn't matter at all, just get it written down before you forget.
Picture your children someday reading it and getting to know the testament of their heritage a little more clearly.
Telling all the wonderful things our Father has done for you and your household is one project you won't regret working on for years to come.
Princess, Daughter of the King of Kings
Mother of Princesses and Princes
Grandmother of Royalty
This is a great idea. I'm not a scrapbooker but I do journal so that's how I would do this for myself. Thanks for sharing.