Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Singing in the Morning

I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love, for You are my Fortress, my Refuge in times of trouble. O My Strength, I will sing praise to You; You, O God are my Fortress,My Loving God! Ps. 59:16&17 NIV

The first thing you need to know about me is, I don't do mornings. To be expected to sing in the morning is almost more than I can comprehend.

Drink coffee? Yes! Read quietly? Yes! Sit motionless till my blood starts pumping? Yes!
Sing? Um, no I don't think so. You must have me confused with someone else...

Yet, as I read these words this morning something inside of me started to move. My Fortress, my refuge in times of trouble, O my Strength. If I wasn't careful I could have actually broken out into a little dance right there in my jammies!

How many times has He, the creator of the Universe, been a Shield for me? How many times has He, my Father, given me His strentgh to get through a trial? How many times has He, the King of Kings, been my Refuge, my Strong Tower my ever present help in times of trouble?

The track record my Heavenly Father has concerning me is too much for me to think about with out doing a jig!

He is ALWAYS there, I have never fallen that He hasn't picked me up, brushed me off and started me off again on my journey.

Isn't it amazing we have only to run to Him to have shelter under His wings? With everything He is He provides a safe Refuge for us. His love is overwhelming. All we have to do is run to Him.

What's not to sing about? My praise should not only be in the morning, but for all He's done for me, it should be a non stop song fest. If I started now and sang 24/7 for the rest of my life I could never touch on all the things He's done for me.

OK, if you're reading this, I love ya, but I've got to go.....I have a song of praise to sing to my Father and it can't wait!!

Be Blessed

Princess, Daughter of the King of Kings
Mother of Princesses and Princes
Grandmother of Royalty

Monday, June 29, 2009

Reflections in the Mirror

Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. Prov. 27:19 msg.
I just got back from Home Depot, love that place, where I had to get some bug spray which is a necessity in Florida. I also got another solar powered light for my courtyard. The glow from the lights are so soft and the best part it takes no electricity to run them!

A solar powered light sits around all day soaking up the sun. When the sun starts to disappear the little lamps start to glow. All the energy they stored up from the sun pours out to light
my pathway, and my pond. My whole courtyard is bathed in a soft glowie inviting light.
In John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (niv)
Luke 11:36 tells us, "Therefore if your whole body is full of Light and no part of it dark it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you." (niv)

Our assignment, should we accept it, is to soak up the Light from the Son through Bible Study, Prayer, Attending Church, whatever means necessary .
Then when the darkeness starts to settle in around us the Light (Jesus) we've absorbed into us will start to glow. Jesus will shine from us and we will then reflect Him for others to see. They will be so drawn to the Light they will want to become a Light also.

We are given our "Solar Power" as a gift, we did nothing to deserve it, but it's ours for the taking. Once we've received the Light (Jesus), God expects us to pass it along to others, not hide it and keep it for our selves.

The Light has to keep shinning and the more lights willing to shine the less darkness in the world.

Let the Light in you shine for others to see today and everyday!
Blessings and peace

Princess, daughter of the King of Kings
Mother of Princesses and Princes
Grandmother of Royalty
Everyday we have the opportunity to decide what we will allow into our heart. What we read, what we watch, who we talk with all contribute to the contents of our heart. That content inturn is reflected in not only our faces as the scripture says, but in how we treat other, and in our words.

Mat.12:24 says "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." NIV

What is in my heart that is being reflected to others? When you look at me do you see fear, past abuse, anger, unforgiveness or do you see a heart that has been broken and lovingly restored by it's Maker?

It's our Father's desire to restore our heart, to make it complete, nothing missing, nothing broken. Through His Word we begin to see His love and desires for us. Through His Word we begin to see the portrait He's painted of each one of His precious children. When He looks at us He sees a reflection of Himself. Is that what others see?

When I speak, what do my words say about what I've allowed to infiltrate my heart? Are they gentle, uplifting, kind, encouraging reflecting my Father in me? Or have I harbored anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and from that my words are formed and go out to affect others? Do my words bring life or death to others and to myself?

As children of the King of Kings we must always aspire to reflect our Father. By searching for Him diligently we will find Him. By allowing His words to fill our hearts we will reflect His beauty. When we allow Him to completely fill our hearts there will be no room for the things that cause our speach to be a death sentence to ourselves or others. Our words will be full of life and healing because they will be His words not ours.

A mirror only reflects what's in front of it!

What are you doing to become a reflection of Father God? Is it an everyday exercise or an occasional walk on the treadmill? Is seeking Him your first priority, or have other things gotten in your way, like life for instance?

Lord, help us become more desperate for You. And in seeking You, we become a mirrored image of You, our loving Father.


Daughter of the Kings of Kings
Mother of Princesses and Princes
Grandmother of Royalty

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Solar Power

I just got back from Home Depot, love that place, where I had to get some bug spray which is a necessity in Florida. I also got another solar powered light for my courtyard. The glow from the lights are so soft and the best part it takes no electricity to run them!

A solar powered light sits around all day soaking up the sun. When the sun starts to disappear the little lamps start to glow. All the energy they stored up from the sun pours out to light
my pathway, and my pond. My whole courtyard is bathed in a soft glowie inviting light.
In John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (niv)
Luke 11:36 tells us, "Therefore if your whole body is full of Light and no part of it dark it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you." (niv)

Our assignment, should we accept it, is to soak up the Light from the Son through Bible Study, Prayer, Attending Church, whatever means necessary .
Then when the darkeness starts to settle in around us the Light (Jesus) we've absorbed into us will start to glow. Jesus will shine from us and we will then reflect Him for others to see. They will be so drawn to the Light they will want to become a Light also.

We are given our "Solar Power" as a gift, we did nothing to deserve it, but it's ours for the taking. Once we've received the Light (Jesus), God expects us to pass it along to others, not hide it and keep it for our selves.

The Light has to keep shinning and the more lights willing to shine the less darkness in the world.

Let the Light in you shine for others to see today and everyday!
Blessings and peace

Princess, daughter of the King of Kings
Mother of Princesses and Princes
Grandmother of Royalty

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blessings for all, Happy New Day!

In my Father's House

When I was little I can remember my Mom putting decorative items in the front window then going out to the road to see how they looked. Her explaination was she wanted our house to be inviting incase someone needed help.

I've never forgotten that, and to this day, I am painfully conscious how my home looks to people passing by. You should see me obsess over what my Christmas tree looks like from outside! My goal is to have a home that is warm and inviting from the outside and comforting on the inside!

Lot's of people are waiting for their big fancy mansion in heaven. I figure they imagine if God had a house it would be quite a showplace.

My mansion would be a cottage with a candle in each window and lots of bedrooms for anyone who needed a safe place to stay. Lot's of laughter, singing and dancing. Oh, and lots of dark chocolate and coffee!

When I think of my Father's house it's not too much different. I picture something homey and inviting. Shear curtains in the windows so you can see the lights and family activities in side, a fire in the fireplace and lots of people smiling and happy, feeling safe and protected. Not even sensing that, in His presence they are being transformed into His image.

I love my Father, He's everything I need.

And the good news is, even though I'm His favorite, He love you as much as He does me!
Aren't you glad He loves us all the same?

In my Father's House

When I was little I can remember my Mom putting decorative items in the front window then going out to the road to see how they looked. Her explaination was she wanted our house to be inviting incase someone needed help.

I've never forgotten that, and to this day, I am painfully conscious how my home looks to people passing by. You should see me obsess over what my Christmas tree looks like from outside! My goal is to have a home that is warm and inviting from the outside and comforting on the inside!

Lot's of people are waiting for their big fancy mansion in heaven. I figure they imagine if God had a house it would be quite a showplace.

My mansion would be a cottage with a candle in each window and lots of bedrooms for anyone who needed a safe place to stay. Lot's of laughter, singing and dancing. Oh, and lots of dark chocolate and coffee!

When I think of my Father's house it's not too much different. I picture something homey and inviting. Shear curtains in the windows so you can see the lights and family activities in side, a fire in the fireplace and lots of people smiling and happy, feeling safe and protected. Not even sensing that, in His presence they are being transformed into His image.

I love my Father, He's everything I need.

And the good news is, even though I'm His favorite, He love you as much as He does me!
Aren't you glad He loves us all the same?

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